Are you considering buying a new home? If you are then here’s a few items to think about to prepare yourself for the home buying process.
- Why? The eternal question. Do you really need to move? This is the most important question to answer yourself to make sure you are ready.
- How will you pay for your new home? Cash? If not cash then how much mortgage can you afford? How much mortgage do you feel comfortable living with on a monthly basis?
- Do you need to sell your current home if you own one? How do you plan on coordinating? Can you own two homes for a short period of time? Get a Bridge Loan?
- What do you want in new home? Put together your ideal list of features you want in a home. If a couple then both of you need to create your own list independently.
- Where do you want to buy your home? Important to do your research ahead of time.
- Price range. Good to have flexibility if possible.
- Understand buying a home is a journey, where you initially think you’ll end up is not always the case.
As your Realtor I will help you in answering these questions and more. I understanding buying a home is an emotional process. I have helped many clients over the years so I do my best to minimize your stress and help you stay on target.
If you would to schedule a Buyer Counseling Session you can reach me at 303/931-8003 (I am text friendly).
Thank you.